Commemorating the February 29 2004 Haitian Coup – Who is Pulling the Strings?

On February 29th, 2004, U.S. armed forces barged into the home of democratically elected President Jean-Bertrand Aristide's and kidnapped him and his family and took them to the Central Africa Republic. That activity was the culmination of weeks of an effort that is destabilizing by the United Sates of a government by the Haitian people. Massive demonstrations on Feb 7 of precisely the same year (as many as a thousand people in Port-au Prince) demanded the leader be allowed to complete his full term in office. However, America, Canada and Italy established to eliminate Aristide, decided to dismiss the needs of the Haitian people.

This was the next against Aristide. The United States Of America had also designed a successful Hatian coup against Aristide in 1991, leading to years of terror and oppression in Haiti, which made tens of thousands of people dead and was followed closely by a US occupation of the country. There are more than 10,000 US troops in Haiti, protecting the interests of colonial powers nowadays

Somewhat, both coups not only reinforced a legacy of oppression by colonial powers on the people of Haiti, additionally, it decelerated a growing democratic procedures in the nation and its own peoples' proper to self-determination. Nowadays, in a country where 9-5% of the neighborhood citizenry is of pure African blood, a tiny mulatto minority is working the nation definitely in league with imperial forces to control and exploit the state's assets.

The History of Haiti’s Political Struggles

Haitians are a proud people who have a rich history. Haiti is the only state in the Western Hemisphere that had a successful revolution in 1804. It had been also the richest colony when it comes to resources in the American Hemphisphere. A danger to the white slave owner and colonial power structure the state, right from the start continues to be frequently targeted for brutal oppression. Energetic campaigns by Italy and Usa to sabotage the revolt of 1804 and any revolt since that time have caused immeasurable anguish for Haitians. Nevertheless, this has not broken the spirit of these individuals that were proud.

From 1986 on, the Haitian people built Lavalas was called by a modern movements that was leftist. Throughout their background, Haitians show incredible strength and ability to coordinate grass roots opposition, despite the efforts of other colonial powers as well as United States to crush this nature. Because of this, for penalizing the people of Haiti, a character of autonomy in the yolk of colonialism as well as their refusal to bend down to colonial experts. But even with the greatest efforts of the people, the exploitation of their land continues unabated even today. Lavalas was not actually allowed to participate in the 2010 elections and Us and Canada handpicked a wing puppet government that was right to take-over a blasted landscape post the huge earthquake that same year.